Monday, 5 December 2011

!!!!!!!!!!!Chessers Culminating Activity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Chessers Culminating Activity

1)      3 countries that have a totalitarian regime are as the following.

North Korea



The 5 things that make me think they are a totalitarian regime are as followed. The main thing they all have dictatorship. Cuba has Fidel Castro, North Korea has Kim Jong Il and China has Hu Jintao. These countries have limited freedoms that most countries have such as voting. In Korea they consider it almost as treason against the country just by using the country.  The make it extremely difficult to become a business man or woman due to the fact they give you your job and make it impossible to become an entrepreneur. Lastly they have death penalties for small petty crimes that if were committed in Canada there would be small sentences or slaps on the wrist   

2)      4 Famous totalitarian leaders.

Adolf Hitler- I choose Hitler mainly because the impact he had on the entire world. He created and fuelled the Second World War and almost won. He massacred almost a whole race almost to extinction. He also committed many war crimes , has hundreds of conspiracy stories about himself and his weapons, aircrafts and his overall plan to make the world a German world.

Mussolini –I chose Mussolini mainly because he is a dictator for Italy and changed a lot of things back then that still affects them today. He created rules that helped and hurt the country. He took land that people owned and used it for agricultural reasons. A good deed but still stole from people. He took away women’s rights to work, they basically stayed at home and had kids, cooked and the men went out and worked.

Gadhafi- Gadhafi was a good pick in my eyes due to the fact he is the most recent one in the news and overthrown. This is a rare thing to happen where the civilians came together to overthrow him. They succeeded and he fully deserved it. He shot weaponry into crowds of his own people. He used his power to belittle a race of people and used his powers in the worst ways possible; he was not a true leader in any sense.

Kim Jong Il- Jim Jong Il is a popular dictator because the face of China as a country is doing very well and their population is ever growing. China effects the world in many ways so if there is something he is doing wrong, everyone knows about it. He basically has the Big Brother theme in his country with pictures of him everywhere. ‘’Kim Jong Il is watching you’’. His methods for population problem are cruel how they kill the people second or third kids if the parents have 2 or more. Also controls how the Chinese people are limited to most parts of the internet.

4)  Modern Day Police Using Electronics to Track People.

The way police these days use electronics to track and or monitor people can be used for good and for bad. Privacy should be a right to humans, if the police and or government use this method to track criminals, kidnappers, and killers is fine by me. If they use it for the purpose of monitoring citizens for no apparent reason that could and will make a lot of people really mad. At least its justified if there are bad people brought to justice there will be fewer complaints. If there are missing kids found, this technology will be praised and many mothers will strive to get this technology in all of their kids. I can see this being an option for kids when born if their parents want a chop in them to find them, but the government will know at all times for sure. When it comes to cellphones it is ok only if they have certain systems such a s a red flag system. If someone uses common phrases or certain words they should be monitored just in case there is a terror crime or major drug deal going on. In the end it is going on no matter what people think, the technology exists but they only use it in legit situations like terror or other crazy situations that threaten our country. They will defiantly start bringing it more and more slowly bringing us into the life where they can monitor us. If it gets taken any further people will rebel and get rid of their technology and look for alternatives if they really disagree.

7) I find that famous people usually rebel in a totalitarian regime because they are the ones who can get their voices herd. The world will notice if they are missing and it will be on the news with major cover up. Now if an everyday citizen goes missing, he does… end of story, not a lot of people ask questions and pursue it. Not every modern day citizen can do what say Ghandi did or people like George Washington. Now days people are too worried about their jobs, paying bills, and becoming that millionaire with that boat and helicopter. There are too many things to worry about for us. There are cases where civilians try and come together and it does not work out in their favor. Governments are too strong and have tactics and plans for rebellions. The way to attack them is to go viral and broadcast over the news and or internet, celebrities are more believable and people will listen to them a little more than an everyday Joe. They have the spotlight people dream about and can have a greater impact on their fans, they are considered ‘’better people’’. Governments will have to bow to their needs or their concerns due to the fact they have a greater voice with thousands of listeners. In almost any case a celebrity will win the battle they are fighting.  

Friday, 2 December 2011

Blended Assignments

Blended Assignment

               When I was approximately 15 years old I traveled to Cuba. It was a family trip with my father’s side of the family. We were in Havana Cuba, it was the beginning of January we arrived in the morning time. When I got off the plain we were greeted with beers and cigar vendors. They basically tried to sell and offer me beer and cigars. That struck myself, a 15 year old boy awesome. We went through the airport people were jumping at us trying to take our bags to make the small time tips. Everywhere I looked there were pictures of Castro. Paintings, t-shirts, on the sides of busses, mugs basically anywhere you went he was on something. It struck me as kind of weird but I never thought anything of it. So we took a bus to the resort. We saw people on dirt bikes, family’s on four wheelers and people in raggedy clothes doing god knows what. It was the first place I traveled out of Canada and it was quite the eye opener on how other countries lived.
               Meanwhile on the resort there were armed guards surrounding the compound with shotguns M-16 assault rifles, it was a cool thing to see because they were doing tricks with the guns and making it a little less intimidating then a stiff army man with a gun in his hand. I thought it was cool. Now that I look back on it I realize why they had guns and how serious a situation could break out. I was told they were there so outside people cannot jump the walls and rob the tourists. Either way myself being 15 years old didn’t realize the severity of what was happening I can look back at it now and I can make sense of what I saw and realize how lucky I am to be a Canadian citizen in with a wonderful government that loves me and taxes me huge. J